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Select all type(s) of services you are looking for: (Required) Cleaning ServicesConstructionRemodeling
When do you require services? (Required)
Please enter the zip code where services will be provide. (Required)
What type of service frequency are you looking to have? (Required)
Approximately how many square feet is your home? (optional)
1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11+ years
1 level No staircase 2 levels 1 staircase 3 levels 2 staircases Other Please specify in the notes section.
Choose an option1 None23 Light456 Moderate78910 High
Have pets or children lived in the house? If so, what kind of pets and what are the ages of the children? (optional)
Choose an option1234567+ (Please specify in note section)
Choose an option11.522.533.544.55+ (Please specify in notes section)
How many living spaces? (i.e. dining room, living room, loft, office(no closet) etc.) (optional) Choose an option123456+
Would you like to include the laundry room? (optional) Choose an optionYesNo
Would you like the kitchen to be cleaned? What do you rate the cleanliness level on a scale of `1 - 10? 1(no soil present)-10(very soiled) (optional)
OvenRefrigerator Dishwasher
Would you like the interior windows cleaned? If so, how many of each? (optional)
Would you like to have the window tracks cleaned? If so, how many? What do you rate the cleanliness level on a scale of `1 - 10? 1 (no soil present) - 10 (very soiled) (optional)
Would you like to have blinds hand wiped? If so, how many of each? (optional)
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayOther (please explain in note box below)
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Any special instructions, requests or areas not listed? Please provide as much information as you can, the more details we have, the more accurate our quote will be. You can also tell us about any allergy sensitivities or anything you feel is of importance that we should know in advance. (optional)
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We will confirm your service request within 24 hours. Thank you very much!